Dasha’s Healing Hands- Bellingham, WA & Tele health


Dashka Garestson,RN,CMSRN,HTCP

With over 15 years of experience as a dedicated registered nurse in a hospital setting, I’ve expanded into holistic healing, specializing in bioenergetics. Bioenergetics is the profound link between emotional well-being and physical health & vitality.

I specializes in Medical Intuitive Readings, Energetic Clearings, and Hands on Healing to create balance and harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. 

My gentle and unique approach to healing goes beyond the surface, connecting with subconscious and soul essence to bring about lasting transformation. I use a method that can precisely identify and address the root cause of health challenges without reliving past trauma.

This method unveils the long-held emotions that can manifest in one’s life as a physical ailment, disease, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, emotional upset, confusion, lack of fulfillment, relationship or career challenges and more.

My goal is to assist people to connect with their core wisdom and empower them to take control of their health, feel good in their bodies and thrive!

I offer both in-person and tele-health sessions, both equally effective. Group sessions are also available.

Holistic Healing Services

I help people to feel good in their body and thrive! By identifying the ROOT CAUSE  of health challenges, I energetically clear and dissolve the blockages. My process uses energy medicine to activate all of the water within the body to move freely.

When the waters of our circulatory systems are in flow, we naturally heal. The body knows precisely what to do to correct itself. This is healing from the inside out.

An open, clear and balanced Individual Energy system will bring you


Physical Vitality

Mental Clarity

Emotional Balance

our clients really do love us

the latest reviews

Fawn Towne

“I had an incredible session with Dashka focused on helping me get rid of migraines. I have had migraine headaches since I was a little girl, into my 40’s, Anyone who lives with migraines knows how debilitating they can be. My session was almost 2 months ago and I can honestly say that I no longer have migraines since our session. That’s such an incredible freedom and relief to no longer expect these to occur. I cannot express how impressed and grateful I am that she has such incredible and powerful healing gifts!”


“My last session with Daskha was powerful.! I came home and reflected on my session. A few hours later I started crying I was releasing all the negative energy that had been brought forth. The next day my body physically hurt. I believe from a lot of energy moving and clearing. The days that followed I felt peace calmness and happiness. I highly recommend Dashka!”


“Dashka made very strong connections with my spiritual energy. Everything we discussed and encountered was aligned perfectly with the direction we went. 10/10 going to book my next appointment right away!

Tania C.

“Dashka has an incredible healing and intuitive talent. I went to her to understand the root causes of my insomnia and she was able to tap into my energy field and discern imbalances at many levels. What I found particularly astonishing was her accuracy at detecting a hormonal imbalance as well as a cervical spine misalignment, both of which were confirmed later with medical tests (blood work and xrays). Beyond that, her energy healing session completely calmed my nervous system allowing me to sleep deeply. I am very grateful for her work and highly recommend it for anyone looking to achieve better health in any area, be it physical, mental or emotional.”

Jaclyn Wicox

“This Soul Clearing group healing you did opened me up wide. The energy you brought in was very powerful for me. Things definitely shifted, I can feel energy love all around me. I am also starting to feel and see things out the corner of my eye, which I believe are angles and possible my guides.
    A few things came up this week that triggered me but only for a moment, then I could feel the love behind it (best way I can describe it).  Instead of reacting or judging, I stopped and sent it love.    The beautiful, powerful energy I felt behind me during the process, has become easier for me to access. I can feel how much I have opened up to my spirit guides and all the love around me.  I know I will continue to grow in my spiritual journey and I am glad that you are a part of it.  From time to time I am sure I will need some guidance and I am glad that you are there.  I feel safe in your healing energy and I love how much you care about others and want them to grow in their spiritual journey.  You’re energy is so strong and pure you are a blessing in my life. “